Shame is something that you are probably used to, but don’t realize it. That is because you, like most other people, see shame as synonymous with guilt (Related Article: Guilt Versus Shame). Knowing the difference between shame and guilt will help you be healthy as you approach your shortcomings in life. Let’s talk about why…

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Let’s talk about how to build trust in your marriage relationship. After working with couples in Utah Valley for over 2 decades, I’ve noticed a few themes regarding trust in relationships. I’ll discuss them here and how to apply them with your partner (Related Article: Marriage Counseling: How To Build Trust).  Trust Is Different Than…

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couples therapy

Couples Therapy: How to Overcome Pornography Issues Many couples call our office in search of couples therapy for pornography issues. If you can relate, you may struggle to know what you can do to help your partner or yourself overcome these concerns. Where should you begin? (Related Article: Couples Counseling- Pornography Problem). Today, you will…

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utah counseling

Utah Counseling: How to Find a Therapist So, you want to see someone for counseling in Utah. Great! You have come to the right place. However, finding the right therapist can be overwhelming and complicated. It can be a challenge to know where to look or how to know which therapist is right for you.…

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individual counseling

Individual Counseling: Some Tips for Coping With Challenging Emotions  In individual counseling, you will learn how to cope with difficult emotions. You might struggle to know how to cope when your emotions seem like they are in charge of your mood, interactions, and the quality of your day. (Related Article: 3 Principles of Emotional Health).  Thankfully,…

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pornography addiction

Pornography Counseling: Understanding Unmet Needs If you or your partner believe you have a pornography addiction and seek pornography counseling, it might seem like it is an impossible problem to fix. Maybe you make progress and then suddenly you or your partner slips up, and now you are frustrated and hurt.(Related article: Creating Emotional Safety…

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couples counseling

Couples Counseling: Emotional Intimacy in Marriage Maybe you have already started couples counseling to find that missing “something” in your relationship. (Related article: What Happens in Counseling?). Maybe you haven’t even gotten to that point yet, but you’d like help recreating the connection you used to have with your spouse.  Thankfully, there is a way…

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Counseling Thoughts: Shame vs. Guilt There is a good chance that the concerns you bring to your therapist to work on in counseling have a common theme- shame or guilt about a situation or incident. If you have experienced shame and guilt about things you have done, you are not alone. Many other people are…

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Offering Support When Things Go Wrong Since this is a counseling blog, chances are you are reading this because you or someone you know is going through something hard. If you are close to someone who is in a crisis, you might not know what to say. How do you offer your support? What can…

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Counseling for Beginners If you have never seen a therapist before, therapy might seem very foreign. Maybe your only experience with what actually happens in counseling comes from TV shows or movies (ever seen the Sopranos?). Or maybe you have only heard things second hand from your friends and family who have sought help in…

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