Among therapeutic techniques, play therapy proves highly effective, particularly with children. By tapping into the natural language of play, this approach enables children. They learn how to communicate, explore, and resolve their emotions in ways that traditional talk therapy may not fully achieve. Toys become their words and play becomes their sentences (Related Article: Exploring…

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In the arena of therapeutic tools, sand tray therapy stands out as highly effective, especially for children and adolescents. By creating a safe and expressive environment, sand tray therapy helps children and teens articulate their feelings and experiences. Often this happens in ways that traditional talk therapy might not allow. What is Sand Tray Therapy?…

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How to Parent When Your Child Is Experiencing Difficult Feelings Parenting is not always easy, especially when your child is going through a hard time. No matter your phase of parenthood, you will inevitably see your kids experience many “big” and challenging feelings. But what can you do to help your child during these difficult…

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teen therapy

“My Teen is Very Negative. When Should They Go To Therapy?” In our last blog post, I talked about how it’s somewhat normal for your teen to talk negatively about themselves. Your teen’s logic and reasoning skills are still developing.(Related article: Parenting- It’s Not What You Think) It can be normal for your teen to…

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teen therapy

Therapy for Teens: How to Respond to Your Child’s Negative Self-Talk Maybe you are reading this because you aren’t sure if you should seek therapy for your teen’s negative self-talk. Or maybe your teen is acting differently lately and seems more negative about their appearance or grades. Negativity can be somewhat normal when it comes…

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family counseling

Family Counseling: Finding the Balance with Your Teens If you are the parent of a teen, then it probably comes as no surprise to you that many parents seek family counseling in an effort to try and understand how they can connect with their teen. Teenagers are many things; they can be fun, smart, and…

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family counseling

Family Counseling: How To Have a Family Meeting  In family counseling, you will learn many different communication skills that will improve your relationships with each other. And the things you learn in counseling are important. But, the work you do when you are not at therapy will make the biggest difference in the long run!…

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family counseling

Family Counseling: Stepparenting and Blended Families If you are a step parent you have probably already began to confront some of the unique challenges that come with being in a blended family. Stepparenting is an experience that you might find rewarding and exciting, but it can also be hard. How do you know the correct…

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