teen therapy

Therapy for Your Teen: How to Manage Big Feelings If you are the parent of a teenager, you might be seeing a lot of big feelings coming from your child. And managing your teens’ moods can be overwhelming! Maybe your teen cries, throws fits, and acts defiant in a way that feels like their toddler…

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Parenting: Understanding & Reconnecting With Your Teenager If someone were to ask you, “What is one time in your life you would never revisit?”, what would you say? While the answers to this question are numerous, oftentimes the answer falls somewhere from ages 12 to 25. Why is it that people would never want to…

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Parenting Teens: Building Self Esteem Parenting a teen is hard! During this time in your teenager’s life, they are coping with a lot of change and growth. As a result, your teen might be struggling with self esteem.  Self esteem issues are not uncommon for teens, but they don’t have to be the norm for…

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