Let’s talk about how to build trust in your marriage relationship. After working with couples in Utah Valley for over 2 decades, I’ve noticed a few themes regarding trust in relationships. I’ll discuss them here and how to apply them with your partner (Related Article: Marriage Counseling: How To Build Trust).  Trust Is Different Than…

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marriage counseling

Debunking Marriage Counseling Myths: “Couples Can’t Recover From Infidelity” If you had to guess why most couples come to marriage counseling, what would you say? Infidelity might be one of the first answers that comes to mind. (Related Article: Causes of Divorce). And that’s understandable, considering the pain associated with infidelity in marriage. But, can…

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couples counseling

How Couples Counseling Can Help You Cope with The Stress of Infertility If you are seeking couples counseling to help you and your partner deal with the overwhelming stress of infertility, you are not alone. Infertility can be a stressful, emotionally draining experience. Not to mention the physical stress and discomfort that you experience with…

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sex therapy

Sex Therapy: How to Prepare to add Sex to Your Relationship If you are engaged and you are waiting until you get married to have sex, like many do in Utah, you might not be sure how to prepare. It might seem strange to go from abstinence to a regular sex life in such a…

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sex therapy

Sex Therapy: Why can’t we get on the same page about sex? If you are married or in a relationship, you may have heard of sex therapy. Sex is a common concern for couples. There are many reasons why you might have frustrations when it comes to sex. You might struggle to find opportunities for sex with…

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marriage intimacy

Marriage Intimacy: How to Reconnect and Rekindle the Spark If you and your partner have been together for a while, you might struggle to maintain good marriage intimacy. And that makes sense! You and your spouse are busy people, and it’s easy for that “spark” you once had to fade into the background. (Related article:…

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pornography addiction

Pornography Counseling: Understanding Unmet Needs If you or your partner believe you have a pornography addiction and seek pornography counseling, it might seem like it is an impossible problem to fix. Maybe you make progress and then suddenly you or your partner slips up, and now you are frustrated and hurt.(Related article: Creating Emotional Safety…

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couples counseling

Couples Counseling: Emotional Intimacy in Marriage Maybe you have already started couples counseling to find that missing “something” in your relationship. (Related article: What Happens in Counseling?). Maybe you haven’t even gotten to that point yet, but you’d like help recreating the connection you used to have with your spouse.  Thankfully, there is a way…

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Counseling: Understanding Myths about Grief  Managing grief is a common reason clients seek help in counseling, and you might be going through the same. Maybe you are experiencing grief due to the loss of a loved one. Your grief might be from a missed opportunity or another major loss. No matter the reason for your…

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How to Help Your Veteran Partner Our therapists are familiar with a very population that often seeks counseling; military veterans. And, if your partner is a veteran who is struggling, you might not know what to say. Your veteran faces unique mental health challenges. (Related article: How to Talk to Someone in a Crisis). Maybe…

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