If you live near South Jordan, marriage therapy is close by. As we have talked about on these blogs before, most couples enter couples therapy years after when they first need it (see John Gottman’s work). So let’s talk about the signs that you need couples therapy now.  Your Fighting Isn’t Productive The first sign…

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Marriage counseling in Orem can be affordable and effective. We have been offering couples therapy in Utah Valley for a few decades now. We are trained marriage and family therapists and know how to help couples struggling with their relationship. Here are a few things to consider when thinking of coming to marriage counseling. Start…

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When coming to marriage counseling, it’s important to know what to expect and what not to expect. After doing marriage counseling for over 2 decades, I’ve noticed a few things that I can share to help you understand.  Marriage Counseling Is A Place To Talk First, marriage counseling, simply put, is a place to talk…

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utah counseling

Utah Counseling: How to Create Great Goals for Therapy As part of your Utah Counseling experience, you will work with your therapist to create goals. Effective goals in therapy can give your counseling sessions focus, direction, and momentum. And good goals can help you watch your progress as you move through the process. But what…

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marriage counseling

Your First Appointment: What to Expect in Marriage Counseling Whether you’ve scheduled that first appointment or you’re still on the fence about getting started, you are probably curious what actually happens in marriage counseling. What will you do in the appointments? Do you need to bring anything? What will you talk about?  Today, you will…

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individual therapy

Your First Individual Therapy Appointment: What To Expect So, you’ve called and scheduled your first individual therapy appointment. Congratulations! It can be a challenge to make the first step when you are new to the therapy world.  Now that you’ve got the appointment scheduled, what can you expect? Today, you will learn about how things…

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teen therapy

Therapy for Your Teen: How to Manage Big Feelings If you are the parent of a teenager, you might be seeing a lot of big feelings coming from your child. And managing your teens’ moods can be overwhelming! Maybe your teen cries, throws fits, and acts defiant in a way that feels like their toddler…

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Just Breathe! Reduce Anxiety With This Simple Exercise Anxiety might seize you in the middle of the night, or perhaps at the beginning of a work meeting, or maybe while driving your kids to soccer practice. Wherever it happens, it can overwhelm you. Your mind won’t stop running; body is tense; heart is racing. You…

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relationship counseling

How to Build Healthy Attachment in Relationship Counseling In relationship counseling, you will learn new things about your partnership as a couple. But did you know that you will also learn things about yourself? One important aspect you will learn about yourself in couples therapy is your attachment style.  Let’s talk about attachment and what…

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marriage counseling

Debunking Marriage Myths: “Marriage Should Be Easy” “When you’re with the right person, marriage will be easy.” “It’ll all come together when you find the one!” “If everything isn’t falling into place, then something must be wrong”. You may have heard similar comments about marriage and relationships throughout your life. And these sentiments are brought…

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