Therapy Blog for Orem, Spanish Fork & South Jordan

Relationship Counseling: How to Balance Couple and Family Time

How Relationship Counseling Can Help You Learn to Balance Couple and Family Time

One common struggle that gets brought up in relationship counseling is how to balance couple and family time. It is important for you and your spouse to show your child love and affection. But how can you find a good balance between couple and family time? (Related Article: Marriage Counseling- Tips for New Parents). 

Today, you will learn some strategies that can help you balance time with your spouse and your children. You will also learn how relationship counseling can help. relationship counseling

Intentional Quality Time

It might seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. You have work, school, extracurriculars, and more. Is it even possible to give your marriage and your children the attention they all need and deserve? (Related Article: Relationship Counseling- Marriage After Kids).

If you can relate to this experience, it can be helpful to try scheduling quality time in your calendar. Block out time for date night ahead of time. Plan out special outings with the kids. Adding it to the calendar early on can help you be intentional about when and how you spend your family and spouse time. (Related Article: Marriage Counseling- Team Building). 

It’s the Little Things

When things are so busy in your lives, it can be important to look for small opportunities for quality family and marriage time. Show proactive interest in your spouse and childrens’ days. Ask thoughtful questions to get to know them better. Learning about your family will be a life-long process. (Related Article: Relationship Counseling- Celebrating Together).

Use opportunities like chores, errands, or cooking dinner to create a chance at quality time spent with your children or spouse. As John Gottman, marriage and family researcher, says, “small things often” can add up fast! (Source)

Relationship Counseling: Why Not Both?

Being a good parent and a good spouse does not have to mean you choose one over the other. (Related article: Debunking Marriage Myths- “Having Kids Will Ruin Our Relationship”). Finding time for both is a balancing act, but with the right strategy and effort you can create both fulfilling relationships in both your family and your marriage. 

That’s where relationship counseling comes in. If you are struggling to connect with your partner, kids, or even your family in general, a therapist can help. I  n counseling, you can learn valuable communication skills and learn how to navigate complex family situations in a healthy way. 

Ready to get started? Start relationship counseling in Orem, South Jordan, or Spanish Fork. 

Written By Lauren Adkins


Utah Therapy


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